Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I Love Work Days...and Paper Cake

Every so often, the gods smile on you and you find yourself face to face with the most beautiful miracle in the world:

Two work days coming off a weekend.

Work days are when you aren’t needed at the school or that school is closed, so you get to stay home for a day. This past weekend was Hanamaki City’s Sports Festival, so Monday and Tuesday, schools were closed to compensate the kids. You’re expected to be prepared to be called in for work at any time, so no travel, no bopping around town. Instead, you stay around home and wait it out. 

This week couldn’t have seen two better work days. I was still a little sore from the hike, so it was nice to not have to wear nylons and pumps and stand all day, but what made it ideal was the weather. 

I love rainy days. Love love LOVE them! Especially after it hasn’t rained in almost a month! The heat finally broke and I woke up to hear rain and wind against my window. The sky was a cool grey and the breeze coming into my apartment smelled so clean! There’s no more dust, dirt or pollen in the air! I can breathe without coughing again! 

So what does one do with these lovely idle days? If one were so inclined, one could lesson plan. If one were so inclined but also more commonly sans the next school’s weekly schedule, one could not. Instead, it’s all a matter of finding something you enjoy doing and doing it…all day! 

I started with a rainy run in the Contemporary Poetry Park across the street. Did a few laps in a slow drizzle then came back to a cold shower and a hot cup of coffee. The productive part of my day done, it s time for part two including episodes of Hell’s Kitchen and pastry origami!

I picked this pack of sheets in the Ninohe home center last weekend and dutifully got to work making berries, cakes and macarons! So let’s share the joy!


Fold the paper in half, colored side out.

Fold in half again.

Flatten the top flap into a triangle. Repeat on the other side.

Fold the corners up to the center crease to make a diamond.

Fold the corners in again but only halfway down the bottom edge.

Invert the corners along that bottom edge.

Fold the top corner/flap down and away from you into the berry.

It should look like this.

At the narrow end is a little hole. Don’t worry, it’s supposed to be there. Now, give yourself a migraine by blowing air into it like a little paper balloon. If you’ve ever made an origami ball, you know what to do. If you’ve ever blown up a balloon, you’re in for a good time. Just don’t slobber all over the berry: it’ll turn to pulp! It is paper, after all.


Fold the corners together and unfold, colored side down.

Fold the tips of the side corners into the center.

Fold the top and bottom corners in too, then unfold.

Fold the top to the bottom and crease.

Fold one side over to the other so you’ve folded it in half.

Just like with the berry, fold the flap down flat into a triangle. Repeat on the other side.

Fold the sides over so you don’t see the white¸ just solid color.

Take a breath.

See the little black lines? Do you best, but fold the corners in starting from the solid crease along the top and down in almost a straight line. Do that to all four flaps.

Look at the left side of the picture: Fold the single sheet flap on the bottom in. The corner should go back away from you. Do to all four flaps.

If you open it from the bottom, it looks like this. Fold the broad flaps inside your vaj-igami.

Turn it over and there’s your cap! Just do it again, stuff a little tissue paper in there to be the filling and glue the edges together. (You read that right: glue. Hey, the directions in the kit told me to glue!)

So yeah, that was fun! After a while, you get the hang of it and before you know it, another work day is done and you’re waking up at 6:30am tomorrow.

Today was another beautifully rainy day. The heat has broken, reminding me of the summers back in Maryland where every five days, the heat index escalates a little more and a little more until the weather breaks with a  colossal thunderstorm at the end! Thus begins the cycle again.

Today was a great day. The third year students were writing fan letters to American actors including Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio, Hugh Jackman, Lady Gaga and…my personal favorite: Angelina Jolie. It wasn’t because it was for Angelina Jolie, it was because of what the girl wrote. To paraphrase:

Dear Angelina Jolie,

I am a junior high school student in Japan. I saw your movie, “Salt.” I enjoyed it. You are a good actress. I thought it was exciting! When is your next movie coming out?...

And here is where it got interesting. I couldn’t understand what she wrote next. I thought she was referring to the “operations” in the movie and that she was concerned that she “take care” of her “body and health” because the stunts were dangerous. With a little help from the Japanese I’ve learned and a handy dandy dictionary, I realized she was talking about Angelina Jolie’s recent surgery.

Oh yeah. THAT kind of “operation.” This girl half a world away from America wishes this American actress health, success and courage during the “various problems of cancer.” I could have cried. My mother survived breast cancer, so communicating with this girl really hit home for me. I was so excited to have talked to her and understood her simple but profound letter I laughed and high-fived her! 

The best part is, the teacher actually gave the students the address for each celebrity’s fan mail so that letter is going to Angelina Jolie! I only hope she actually reads it and understands how much love, concern and support is coming her way from Kitakami, Japan.

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