Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Where in the World is Marta Senn-Diego? Part 21: A Long Dam Day

Since having to sacrifice a trip to Pai with the other members of my Thailand wolf pack, I decided to leave myself a few unplanned days after Paris. It gave me more flexibility to move around Benelux. I thought I might take the train early to Belgium and explore Antwerp or somewhere, then move on to spend a night or two in Rotterdam before finally arriving in Amsterdam.

But oh, the whimsy of Fate.

I bid adieu to gay Paris bright and early. And because I'm so delightfully cliche, I did it with a coffee and croissant at a cafe before heading into the train station to buy a ticket to Rotterdam.

Turns out, life just wasn't going to be that easy. There had apparently been a strike in effect in Belgium since Monday and all trains going through there were delayed or canceled. I was a bit dismayed to hear about the strike, but glad that the service counter could still help me out. I felt like I was making some difficult and dangerous exodus the whole time.

I was given three tickets: one to Lille, one to Brussels, and one to Rotterdam. Getting to Lille was easy and uneventful. I rode a nice train and had a lovely little nap. Then things got a little dicey. At Lille, I had to find another train station that would connect to Belgium. After finally finding it due to some rather inaccurately placed signage, I found the trains were all canceled! Fortunately, a bus would leave soon that would take me there and I wouldn't have to buy another ticket: I just used the one meant for the train.

Finally on the bus and inching my way out of Lille, things were smoothing out again. I was nervous, though, because the bus was moving so slowly through Lille to get to the highway and I was panicked about making the next connection.

Ah, but not to fear: that train was canceled too! I'll tell you something: there are few things in life creepier than an empty building that is supposed to be bustling with life and chaos. The station was nearly deserted! A few station masters milled about and service people gathered around kiosks and chatted. Small individuals and small groups echoed through the large empty station. We were provided water and waffles-to-go while we waited for our respective buses to arrive.

I spent a while just walking around the station, feeling like I was in another, much creepier dimension, like something out of a Stephen King novel.

Eventually the buses came, and eventually, I arrived in Rotterdam and checked into my hostel. It was large, clean, and most importantly, it had free coffee.
Markthal in Rotterdam! Basically foodie heaven.

Calm down: it's a Christmas tree!
I was only spending the next day in town, so I went to bed early and the next day, just wandered and enjoyed the parks, architecture, and weather.

 And I got my first taste of classic Dutch architecture!
Two deer enjoying the...ahem...season
 Go home, Art. You're drunk.

The parks were lovely, and they gave me plenty of chances to check out the birds!

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