Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Handful of Confessions

You know that feeling you get when you're alone at home in the dark and you're afraid of sticking your hand over the edge of the sofa because you think something is going to reach out and touch you? That's kind of the feeling I'm having right now with everything that's going on in my life.

I have to file for Japanese taxes, I'm still struggling to get my documents together for my Japanese driver's license, the economy and politics in America are causing me some personal strife, and I'm finding that I feel like a majority of the time, I'm throwing lessons at the wall hoping they'll stick, all the while thinking "What the hell am I doing?"

I'm reaching into the darkness trying to convince myself that there's nothing there, I'm safe. I'm OK. There's nothing to be afraid of.

So in an attempt to console myself and be my own cheerleader, I want to confess a few things: shout my "dirty little secrets" into the darkness and scare off the uncertainty and fear.

1. I'm a "hippie." I went to "art school." I've marched in protests. I've attended rallies. I believe in love, tolerance, and the power of people's personalities/energies/influence of presence. If that makes me a "hippie," well, if the Havanas fit...

2. I hope there is life on other planets, but even if there's not, I hope people realize that the fact we are here is a mind-blowing miracle of nature.

3. I think everyone looks better in late afternoon lighting, including myself!

4. Guns are awful. Guns are awful. Guns are awful.

5. I don't pray.

Yeah, take that, Uncertainty. Just flashed you a little glimpse of my naked soul. Get some! Now, kindly back off so I can make it through the next couple of months before I can recharge over Winter Break.

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