Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hakuchou and Other Frozen Things

 Ah, winter in Kitakami! What isn't to love, aside from the lack of insulation in apartments. Luckily, there's a great fix: basically, you stick large sheets of bubble wrap to your windowpane. Actually, it's ridiculously effective...and the polar bears printed on the wrap are the standard dose of cute that everything here comes with.

And of course, there are the swans. With the sharp winter winds and nightly snowfalls, Kitakami sees the return of their resident hakuchou! They're such a landmark (or are they a watermark?) that Kitakami actually bakes cookies that look like the birds!

My family is full of bird watchers, but my dad is the one who got me interested. I'm nowhere near the watcher he is, but I love the sense of accomplishment when I spot a new bird and can match it to a guidebook!

Swans, though. Swans are easy. And the best place to watch them in Kitakami is the Athletic Park south of town. Park and walk through the red pine trees, along the frozen pond and you'll hear them before you see them. At first, I thought it was just the wind whistling through the grove. But just follow your ears, you'll find them.

Oh, the icicles. More like ice-blades-o-death!

Secret photo of a secret retreat

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